The work of a trade show exhibit doesn't begin and end with the event. Smart marketers know that they should do a little work before, during and after an event to ensure that it's a success. Before you ship your trade show exhibits to an event, consider how to let customers know that you'll be there, figure out how to attract them to your display and think about how to keep them up to date and interested in your company.
Use Mailers To Let Customers Know You'll Be There
It's not enough to simply pack up your trade show exhibits and show up to an event. After all, customers won't know you're there if you don't tell them. If you don't talk personally to customers on a regular basis, take the time to create a dynamic flyer to let them know you'll be attending. You can also send an email blast, just be sure to not send too many emails. More than two in a short time period will end up seeming like spam and that will just help ensure that your email address gets added to a company's spam folder. In your mailers, make sure to mention any promotional giveaways that you're planning on handing out and consider including a lead form for customers to fill out so they can bring it in already completed.
Give Out Promotional Materials And Giveaways At Your Trade Show Exhibit
Once you've let your customers know that they should visit your trade show exhibit while at the event, you'll need to design your promotional brochures and decide on any giveaways. Some companies choose to give promotional products to every customer who visits their display, while others choose to hand out more expensive items to attendees who fill out a lead card. Popular giveaways include coffee cups, tote bags, notepads, USB drives, mousepads and more. If you're thinking of using a larger prize, popular items include computer tablets, laptops or even cash. Be certain that your giveaway is an accurate reflection of your company, and is in line with your marketing message.
Take Advantage Of Webinars After The Event
After you're back in the office, use the contacts you've made. Webinars are excellent ways to do this. Let the contacts you made at your trade show exhibit know when you're putting on a webinar and ask them to attend. People who visited your trade show exhibits will welcome the opportunity to learn more about your company and its products or services, however, make sure that the webinar fills a need for customers and doesn't just act like a commercial for your business.
One of the biggest advantages of webinars is that they're extremely inexpensive to produce. In years past, if businesses wanted to reach out to their clients, they needed to find a meeting room, find a time that worked for their customers and provide snacks and beverages. This could become so expensive that most businesses couldn't do them very often. Webinars on the other hand, can be put on with just a clear goal, a web camera and a fast Internet connection.
Marketing doesn't begin or end when you've packed up your trade show exhibits and headed back to the office. Instead of thinking of your display as the main part of your marketing plan, use it as just one piece of a multi-faceted diagram.
Companies looking for a Memphis trade show exhibit, need look no further than Skyline MidSouth. They can create a one of a kind trade show exhibit in Memphis and more for customers who want to stand out. To see a gallery of Memphis trade show exhibits, visit their website.
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Very well written article on trade show exhibits. Thanks for sharing it.