Friday, November 18, 2011

Tips For Using Photography In Trade Show Displays

Expert Author Chris A. Harmen
There are many ways to utilize the beauty, shock value, and professionalism that photography can project in a trade show display. When used correctly, they can draw in more visitors, make more sales, and increase the recognition of any brand.
Some of the more well-designed trade show displays at conventions today incorporate not just one, but several pieces of enlarged or even life-sized photographs. Graphics atop photographs are another great way to draw attention to your company's trade show display. There are essential tips to follow with respect to incorporating photography into any event stand based on what works best as per the professionals in the business.
Place Larger Photographs In Trade Show Booths
As one might expect, when it comes to photos used in trade show displays, the bigger the better. People are drawn to bright colors, images they recognize, or people that look inviting. Don't be afraid to incorporate images of the CEO, CFO, or owner of the business. Also, it has been proven that photos of employees can also entice people to come into an event stand. Individuals want to know who they are going to be doing business with, which is why pictures can be so important.
When bigger pictures are being put to use, make sure the pixel count is appropriate for an expanded size. Oftentimes, images can get fuzzy or out of focus when they are created on a larger scale. It's better to have a professional create the enlarged images instead of using blurred or distorted versions. It will be well worth the marketing dollars spent to have a sharp piece of quality photography.
Utilize All Space Within Trade Show Booths
Any time a space can be utilized within an event stand or a portable booth, the better. Gaps in space can actually reveal more of the warehouse or the event location, leaving people wishing there was visually more to see. Photos work well in corners, small spaces, hanging from the top of the design and even incorporated into the flooring. Try to match photographs used in the design with marketing materials that are to be mailed out, handed out, or on stands for individuals to take. Matching colors in the images and marketing materials are also key to continuity. This truly brings the marketing agenda together as one, making a brand both recognizable and memorable.
Incorporate The Work Of A Professional
If you have ever seen photography modeled in a trade show display, you would have noticed that each photograph has been retouched and color enhanced to perfection. This just does not happen by accident. Professionals in the business do amazing work of retouching, airbrushing, readjusting pixel counts, and making photographs look flawless. For a solid investment in a photo used for any display, utilize professional services for the best and most professional results.
Keep All Images Properly Lit
Lighting can make or break a piece of art, a banner, or photography in trade show booths. It is half the battle to properly light your investment well. Don't be afraid to ask for professional assistance and hire out someone who knows exactly how it should be done. If your business chooses to take on the work, speak to a team that has done lighting in the past to be clear on what the end results should look like.
Skyline Miami is your hub for professional trade show displays in Miami as well as customized trade show booths in Miami. Visit their website for more information about obtaining an innovative trade show display in Miami for your business.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I agree with you, when you said about the Lighting stuffs.
    Still I've heard about Trade Show Display in Toronto states that There are many different ways to create successful trade show booths. In many cases proper large format printing is the key to creating a show stopping display that will make your company stand out.
