Friday, November 18, 2011

How I Get More Marketing Done While I Sleep Than Most Businesses Do All Week

Expert Author Steve M Gordon
I gave a speech at a conference last week titled "22 Ideas You Can Implement Today To Position Your Business for Breakthrough Growth."
After the speech was over one of the audience members stopped me and said "That's all great stuff...but how do you get it done? I'm already busy and I can't imagine even getting started on all this stuff!"
Good point and fair question.
The simple and true answer is you just decide to do it. It takes some work upfront...but not nearly as much as you might think. And once these ideas are working in your business you gain so much free time, you won't know what to do with yourself.
And honestly, what could you possibly do with your time that's more valuable then attracting new clients and inviting old clients to come back.
But once you make the decision, how do you make it all happen?
For me, I've built a system that forces potential clients to "raise their hand" to get my attention...I don't chase them. That SAVES me a huge amount of time right off the bat.
Most business owners spend 4-10 hours a week networking to find leads...that's 10% to 25% of your time during a normal work week...that's insane when you think about the tiny return for all that invested time.
When my prospects raise their hand, they are responding to some form of direct response offer from an ad, a postcard, my website, a video, a media interview or one of my speeches.
Depending on what they respond to they are directed, initially, to one of several "sales robots"--a 24-hour free recorded message, a free e-book, a free video.
These robots educate each prospect (even while I'm sleeping) and give them the opportunity to take the next step in the sales process (usually and initial meeting).
So I don't waste time on a prospect until they've been educated AUTOMATICALLY, by my sales robots.
If they're not ready I have my "Follow-up Robots" keep in touch my email and direct mail (sometimes by phone & fax)...until they are ready.
I'm patient...because my "robots" never sleep, never get bored and never let a prospect fall through the cracks...I know that I'll be there when that prospect is ready to move forward.
And when they are ready...the competition already quit (usually months ago)...and I'm all alone with the prospect.
Without my robots...I'd be pulling my hair out just like that guy I met last week.
Steve Gordon is a small business marketing consultant host of the Small Business Marketing Show podcast. Steve teaches systems to get more clients without cold calling.

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