Friday, November 18, 2011

Pest Control Marketing - 5 Costly Mistakes That Will Spell Disaster for Your Pest Control Marketing

Expert Author Hal Coleman
5 big mistakes to avoid
1. Using the name of your company as your big headline - This is a big mistake that almost all pest control companies are guilty of. Why? Because nobody cares what the name of your company is. They really only care about what you can do for them. If they want what you are selling, then they will find the name of your company on the ad. So, always give them some big bold promise or guarantee as the headline in the ad and put the name of your company in the lower right-hand corner. Trust me. This works.
2. Not following up - A study revealed that 82% of people buy something after 5-12 contacts. Sadly, 91% of sales people give up on the sale after 2-4 contacts. What this means is this: Over 80% of sales are left on the table by over 90% of sales people. Incredible isn't it?
You MUST follow up on each and every lead. And don't give up. I once heard a successful salesman say that he didn't quit calling on a prospect until they either buy, die, or get an unlisted phone number. Follow that rule and you will sell more services.
3. Failure to target your market - If you are going to do a direct mail campaign, you must make sure you are sending it to people who are likely to need your services. You wouldn't want to send out a mailing offering a great deal on termite protection to a zip code that contained mostly apartment dwellers. Why? Because rentors don't buy termite protection. If you do a termite job in a particular neighborhood, then do a mailing to everyone in that neighborhood letting them know that you are there already.
4. Offering too many things - If someone is interested in purchasing termite control from you and you begin to tell them about all of the other services you offer, you will confuse them or sidetrack them and, in many cases, they will not buy anything, including the termite control. Why? Because it creates a mental condition known as cognitive dissonance. This occurs when the subconscious brain recieves two or more conflicting signals. When that happens, it shuts down. Instead, go focus on one service or offer and, after they have purchased, then you can make them aware of all of the others. It's called getting your foot in the door.
5. Running an ad just one or two times and giving up on it - Sometimes pest control operators run and ad in print or on the radio or television and, if it doesn't achieve immediate results, they pull it. They would be better off just keeping the money and spending it on something else. People seldom buy after the first or second contact. You need to commit to an ad and let it do its thing. However, I need to tell you that a poorly written ad will fail no matter how long you run it. So, first make sure you have a good ad that contains proven buying response triggers.
Bottom line: Your pest control marketing will be more successful and you will increase your sales and grow your business easier if you avoid making these mistakes.
Get Instant Access to my FREE Pest Control Marketing Information at Secrets, Tips, Strategies and Techniques waiting for you to help you grow your pest control business.

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