Friday, November 18, 2011

Planning Your Design For Custom Envelopes

If you want to print custom envelopes for business, you should be serious about it. Do not take the design process lightly. While these might just be envelopes, they will be the ones that will carry your business mails and of course represent you or your company. So make it a point to plan your design for custom envelopes properly.
If you do not know how to actually plan a design for envelopes, let me give you the initial steps. Here are seven of the crucial action points that you will want to do to effectively create and print great custom envelopes that are good for business objectives.
1. Determine your goal for the custom envelope.
The crucial first step in developing a design for your envelopes is the determination of its goals. Basically you should try to figure out if you want your custom envelopes to project or display certain things so that it can achieve specific goals.
For example, do you want those business envelopes to impress people? Do you want it to project a certain image or personality so that you can get a better reputation? Or maybe you want to attract people to do business with you through those envelopes? You should really be specific and have well defined goals for your custom envelope. This will help you a lot cover the whole scope of the required design for these kinds of prints.
2. Discover the preferences of the target market.
The next step is to discover the preferences of your target market. This is important to know since this will help you optimize the envelope design for the best maximum impact towards your target readers.
You will have to do review some related literature about your target markets and demographics, or if possible do some actual surveys and research. By determining the exact images, colors and text elements that your market positively responds to, you should be able to plan your designs accordingly for the best results from them.
3. Decide on the most ideal template.
Once you have all the initial important information, you should then get the best envelope template for you. Of course, there are tons of standard envelopes templates out there, from the traditional commercial and letter type envelopes to card envelopes, catalog envelopes and anything in between. Make sure that you choose the best template that is easy to work with and of course will be more appealing to your target market.
4. Start brainstorming some good ideas.
Once you have a template and all the best background information, it should be okay then to start brainstorming some good ideas. Just write down and even sketch down what first pops into your head. Keep in mind to always review and confirm with your research when possible. Create multiple variations in your great ideas and just be as creative as you can. This should give you some great initial ideas for envelope designs.
5. Pick the best one that achieves your objectives.
Once you have that full list of sample brainstorming designs, you should then try to pick one or two that best fits your plan in achieving your goals. Make sure you take into consideration the tastes of your market and of course your planned goals. Practice real discernment here and choose the best ones that you think will be fit for envelope publication.
6. Start making drafts.
Now, afterward, you should start making those drafts. Try to actually create them using your design software. Make sure that all your brainstormed elements are there and see if they really work on the design. Render them in high quality so that you can easily see any errors that need to be adjusted.
7. Do some outside testing.
After creating the draft, you should do some outside testing. Having some colleagues, friends and even random strangers can help you judge and see if the envelope is indeed inviting enough and professional enough for your purposes. This kind of testing is crucial as you will discover all the other elements and areas that you might have missed in your draft. So make sure you test and improve your designs for printing.
So that is how you plan your designs for envelopes. In this process you should be able to totally customize your envelopes for your specific purpose with them.
For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Envelopes.
Janice Jenkins is a writer for a marketing company in Chicago, IL. Mostly into marketing research, Janice started writing articles early 2007 to impart her knowledge to individuals new to the marketing industry.

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